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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Aims Of clinical psychology

Foundations of Clinical Psychology -

 Learning Outcomes

  • Having completed this module you will be able to:
  • Analyze the definition and scope of clinical psychology.
  • Summarize the ethical and professional issues in clinical psychology.
  • Evaluate the definition and scope of psychopathology.
  • Discuss the role of psychodynamic therapy in clinical psychology.
  • Describe common psychological issues in children and adolescents.
  • Recognize the role of the clinical psychologist in working with adult clients.

Abstract :

By Saira 

 The primary aim of clinical psychology is to assess, diagnose, treat, and support individuals who are dealing with psychological and emotional challenges. Clinical psychologists work to improve mental health and well-being through therapy, counseling, and various interventions. They also conduct research to advance our understanding of mental disorders and develop effective treatment approaches. Additionally, clinical psychologists may work in areas such as prevention, education, and advocacy to promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental health issues.

Aims of Clinical Psychology 

Introduction to Clinical Psychology:

Clinical psychology is a field of psychology that focuses on helping people with mental, emotional and behavioural issues. It involves diagnosing, assessing, and treating these problems in adults and teenagers. Clinical psychologists use scientific knowledge and research findings to improve individuals of different ages' well-being and quality of life. They apply proven methods and techniques to help people overcome challenges and improve their mental health. Clinical Psychology emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler introduced psychoanalytic theories about personality and psychopathology into psychoanalysis. Clinical psychology became recognized as a separate field. Demand for mental health services among veterans increased after World War ll.

It led to formalized training programs being set up. It quickly made clinical psychology one of the more renowned disciplines of study. Clinical psychologists are necessary to help individuals improve their mental health and well-being. They use various assessment tools and techniques to diagnose psychological disorders.

The aims of clinical psychology encompass several key objectives, including:

 They provide therapeutic interventions that address emotional, cognitive and behavioural concerns. Clinical psychologists possess highly refined expertise in administering evidence-based treatments like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) or psychodynamic therapy. All these effectively address emotional or cognitive concerns and behavioural concerns.


Clinical psychologists aim to accurately assess individuals' mental and emotional functioning through various assessment methods, such as psychological testing, interviews, and observation.


They strive to diagnose mental disorders and conditions based on established criteria, which helps guide treatment planning.


Clinical psychologists work to provide evidence-based therapy and interventions to help individuals manage and overcome their psychological difficulties. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and other therapeutic approaches.


They aim to provide emotional support and guidance to individuals dealing with mental health challenges, helping them cope and improve their overall well-being.


Clinical psychologists may engage in preventive efforts to reduce the risk of mental health issues, particularly in populations at risk. This can involve public education, early intervention programs, and community outreach.


Research Methods

They conduct research to enhance our understanding of mental disorders, treatment efficacy, and the factors that contribute to mental health and well-being. This research contributes to the development of improved therapies and interventions.


Clinical psychologists may advocate for policies and initiatives that promote mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and ensure access to mental health services for all individuals.

Training and Education:

 They play a role in training future mental health professionals and educating the public about psychological issues and effective strategies for maintaining mental well-being.

Overall, the aims of clinical psychology revolve around promoting mental health, providing effective treatment, and improving the quality of life for individuals dealing with psychological challenges.

Psychology in Practice


Clinical psychologists engage in research to advance our knowledge and enhance treatment outcomes, whether investigating therapeutic interventions' efficacy, exploring causes or risk factors associated with mental disorders or contributing to developing new assessment tools. 

By merging their clinical experience and research findings, they aim to advance clinical psychology practice overall. Although clinical psychology shares similarities with counselling psychology and psychiatry, there are distinct distinctions between them.

Clinical Psychology

1. Focuses on diagnosing and treating mental illnesses

2. Emphasizes therapeutic interventions for mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders

3. Requires a doctoral degree (PhD or Psy.D.) in clinical psychology

4. Specializes in promoting mental well-being and increasing professional expertise

5. Collaborates with psychiatrists and counselling psychologists in multidisciplinary teams

Counselling Psychology

1. Places greater emphasis on personal growth, well-being, and problem-solving

2. Often works in settings like schools or career counselling centres

3. Follows similar training paths as clinical psychologists

4. Collaborates with other disciplines to exchange knowledge and advance the field.


Combines medical and therapeutic perspectives in the treatment of mental illnesses. Holds medical degrees (M.D. or D.O.) and can prescribe medications. Works alongside clinical psychologists in multidisciplinary teams for comprehensive care.

Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approach

Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approach
Combines medical and therapeutic perspectives in the treatment of mental illnesses. Holds medical degrees (M.D. or D.O.) and can prescribe medications. Works alongside clinical psychologists in multidisciplinary teams for comprehensive care. 

Collaboration among clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counseling psychologists is common. Sharing research findings and exchanging knowledge between disciplines. Multidisciplinary teams benefit from diverse expertise and provide holistic care.

Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology.

Clinical psychology places great value on ethical and professional standards, placing great weight on meeting these guidelines to protect clients, ensure professional integrity and maintain trust between client and psychologist. Ethical considerations allow clinical psychologists to navigate challenging situations while making sound decisions that meet high care standards.

Ethical guidelines serve as a framework to govern clinical psychologists' professional conduct. Conceived and released by organisations like the American Psychological Association, such as these guidelines address various aspects of the practice, such as competence, confidentiality, informed consent and dual relationships - adherence is vital in upholding integrity in practice while offering optimal care to clients.

Importance of Confidentiality for Success

  1. Confidentiality is a cornerstone principle in clinical psychology.
  2. It establishes trust between clients and psychologists.
  3. Psychologists have legal and ethical obligations to keep client information strictly confidential.
  4. Exceptions to confidentiality exist in situations where there is a duty to warn or protect individuals from imminent danger.
  5. Maintaining confidentiality is crucial for providing a safe and therapeutic environment.
  6. Psychologists take proactive steps to protect client information, such as using secure record-keeping practices and encryption of electronic data.
  7. Informed consent is obtained before sharing client information with other professionals involved in their care.
  8. Failing to respect confidentiality can compromise therapeutic relationships and client well-being.
  9. Breaching confidentiality may jeopardize the well-being of everyone involved.

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