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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

What is Ethnocentrism?



In this article, we will study what is "Ethnocentrism" ? and how people axaggrate their cultural values in cross cultural psychology. Ethnocentrism in a way is an exaggeration .This is the view that sport judgement about other ethnic ,national, and cultural groups and events from the observer own ethnic, national or cultural group outlooks.


Introduction of Ethnocentrism:

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to evaluate other cultures based on the standards and values of one's own culture, often leading to a biased perspective. Here are a few examples to illustrate this concept:

Examples of Ethnocentrism 

1:Cultural Practices

 If someone from a Western culture criticizes a traditional Eastern practice, like bowing as a sign of respect, considering it inferior to a handshake, it reflects ethnocentrism.


 Judging another culture's language as less sophisticated or refined compared to one's own is an example. For instance, considering a regional dialect as "backward" without understanding its cultural significance.

3:Religious Practices 

Viewing one's own religious beliefs as superior and dismissing others as primitive or misguided demonstrates ethnocentrism. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between different religious groups.


Dismissing or criticizing a dish from another culture because it's unfamiliar or prepared differently showcases ethnocentrism. Appreciating diverse culinary practices can help overcome such biases.

5:Social Customs

Believing that certain social customs or norms in one's own culture are universally superior, without understanding the context of other societies, is ethnocentric. For example, comparing marriage traditions without considering cultural variations.

6:Technology and Development

Assuming that the technological advancements of one's culture are the benchmark for progress and labeling others as primitive is ethnocentric. Different societies may prioritize different aspects of development.

7:Clothing and Fashion

 Considering one's traditional attire as more civilized or fashionable than that of another culture can be ethnocentric. Appreciating the diversity in clothing styles fosters a more inclusive perspective.

8:Work Ethics

 Judging another culture's work habits as lazy or inefficient without understanding the cultural values that influence those habits is an example of ethnocentrism.

Addressing ethnocentrism involves recognizing and respecting cultural differences, fostering open-mindedness, and embracing diversity to promote mutual understanding.

My this article, is very precised and to the point about Ethnocentrism in cross cultural psychology .You can contact us if you need more articles related to psychology or sociology. 

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